Digital Accessibility
1/ What is Web accessibility?
Digital accessibility refers to the practice of making a service accessible to as many people as possible. This means making content accessible to all people from any device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.), whatever their network infrastructure, geographical location, or physical or mental ability. Very closely associated with eco-friendly design, making a website accessible requires the implementation of a number of rules.
The French government has drafted its Référentiel général d’amélioration de l’accessibilité (RGAA) (General rules for the improvement of accessibility) to encourage players in the sector to optimise website accessibility. This is the reference document that the Kereis Group has decided to adhere to when developing its websites.
2/ RGGA accessibility statement
Kereis is committed to making its websites accessible in compliance with article 47 of French law no. 2005-102 dated 11 February 2005. This accessibility statement applies to the website.
A/ Compliance status
The Kereis Group website ( is partially compliant with the RGAA (version 4.0) due to the non-conformities and dispensations listed below.
B/ Test results
The compliance audit conducted in December 2022, determined partial compliance of the website. :
- 69% of the criteria of the RGAA version 4.1 are respected.
- 81.9% average compliance rate of the online service.
C/ Non-accessible content (partial compliance)
Refer to the completed accessibility grid: download the accessibility grid.
D/ Technologies used to produce
- HTML 5 ;
- CSS 3 ;
- Javascript (including Jquery) ;
E/ Test environment
The content upload checks were conducted based on the combination provided by the RGAA 4.0 baseline, with the following versions:
- Google Chrome version 105.x
Tools to assess accessibility:
- Assistant RGAA
- Plugin Accessibility Insights for Web
- W3C Validator
Website pages that have been checked for compliance:
For the pages not listed above, the accessibility and compliance audits still need to be carried out. The website has a list of pre-established text blocks that are used on all pages to ensure an overall coherent accessibility and consistency.
F/ Drawing up of this accessibility statement
This statement was drawn up on 13/12/2022. It was updated on 07/02/2023.
G/ Feedback and contact
If you experience difficulty accessing content or a service, please contact us so that we can provide you with an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another format: contact page.
H/ Appeals
This procedure should be used if, despite reporting an accessibility fault that is preventing you from accessing content or one of the portal services, to the website administrator, your issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction.
- Write a message to the Rights advocate []
- Contact the representative of the Rights advocate in your region []
- Send a letter by post (freepost, no stamp required) to
Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris CEDEX 07
3/ PageSpeed Insights obtained an average score of 98,5/100 from a computer and 97,5/100 from a mobile phone for its website pages.
The analysis was carried out on 6 pages on 13 December 2022 using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. This tool generates user experience reports for pages accessed via mobile devices and computers, and provides suggestions on how to improve these pages.
Google developed an algorithm to display the most relevant content at the top of the search results. Since 2021, this algorithm has also taken Core Web Vitals into account in order to ensure the fast loading of pages, particularly on mobile devices. The PageSpeed Insight score is partially calculated based on these vitals:
- Page performance
- Page interactivity
- Page stability
*Here is the list of pages tested and the associated scores:
- Homepage (Computer: 99,25/100 ; Mobile : 96,5/100).
- The group (Computer: 97,75/100 ; Mobile : 97/100).
- Our Commitments (Computer: 97/100 ; Mobile : 96/100).
- Our strategy (Computer: 99,75/100 ; Mobile : 98,75/100).
- Sites and subsidiaries (Computer: 97/100 ; Mobile : 99,5/100).
- Contact (Computer: 100/100 ; Mobile : 98,5/100).